God is Omniscient

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Over the last little bit, we have been looking up to God to find the love that we so desperately crave.  Also, we have explored why looking to God for this love is the right thing to do.  First, we saw that God’s love gives life.  Then, we discussed why His love is over-the-top of any love that we have experienced so far.  Today, we are going to explore a million-dollar word…omniscient.  Because God is omniscient, we can trust in His love.

So, what does this big word mean any ole’ way?  According to Merriam-Webster it means, “possessed of universal or complete knowledge”.

Omniscient is a term that we give God because He truly does know everything.  He knows everything that we have ever done.  He knows what we think or say before we utter it.  God is fully aware of our thoughts, our motives, and our actions.

Psalm 139:1-6

“You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.
You hem me in behind and before,
    and you lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
    too lofty for me to attain.”

Honestly, this can sometimes be rather intimidating.  At least, for me it can.  He knows everything that I do…well, that’s one thing.  But when I realized He knew everything I thought and my motives behind what I did?  Well, that’s quite another thing altogether.   If I’m honest, that can be a little scary. Maybe a lot scary!

Nothing surprises Him

Of course, this is a good time to remember the over-the-top love God has for me.  Along with this, I think it’s helpful to realize that because God is omniscient, He already knew all of this and still called me to Himself.  He was fully aware of my deepest, darkest sin, and He still sent His Son to die for me.  He understood fully my thoughts and motives and He still loves me.  NOTHING takes Him by surprise.

I love this quote by A.W. Tozer:

“And to us who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope that is set before us in the gospel, how unutterably sweet is the knowledge that our Heavenly Father knows us completely. No talebearer can inform on us, no enemy can make an accusation stick; no forgotten skeleton can come tumbling out of some bidden closet to abash us and expose our past; no unsuspected weakness in our characters can come to light to turn God away from us, since He knew us utterly before we knew Him and called us to Himself in the full knowledge of everything that was against us.”

Why don’t we take a closer look?

First, Tozer is saying that it is “sweet” that our Heavenly Father knows us completely…not intimidating.  It is a good thing.  Something we can rest in. Why?

Well, he tells us why.  Nobody can “inform on us” and “no enemy can make an accusation stick”.  No skeleton that we tried to hide can come “tumbling out of some bidden closet” to make us look bad to our God.  He already knows everything there is to know about us.  Everything!  Again, nothing is going to surprise Him.

Written in my Bible

The next part I have written in my Bible:

“no unsuspected weakness in our characters can come to light to turn God away from us, since He knew us utterly before we knew Him and called us to Himself in the full knowledge of everything that was against us.”

You see, there is nothing about me that will pop its ugly head up and make God say, “Oh no!  I didn’t know that about her.  Forget it.  The deal is off.  I don’t want her anymore.”  Because, He already completely knows me.

He knows everything about me.  He is aware of everything I’ve ever done or thought, right down to every character flaw!

I don’t know, maybe it’s just me.  But I can trust in this.  The fact that God is omniscient becomes an anchor to me.  Instead of being intimidated by it, I have found that I rely on it.  I can trust in it.

And so, can you.   

You may say

I hear people say, “If you only knew what I have done, you would know that God doesn’t want me.”   Or they think their sin is somehow too big for God to forgive or handle.  Listen, I can’t say this enough. He already knows what you have done.  Even more, He knows why you did it.  God is completely aware of every horrible, evil thought or action that you have ever had or done.  And still, He is calling you to Himself.  He is waiting for you to turn to Him.  You’re not going to surprise Him or stun Him with your dirt. It’s impossible!

And neither can we say that our sin is too big and bad for God to handle.  Romans 5:20 tells us, “But the more we see our sinfulness, the more we see God’s abounding grace forgiving us.”  Again, He already knows.  And He chooses to love you. He can handle it!

Furthermore, He wants to handle it. After all, He sent His Son to take our sins away so that we could be in a relationship with Him. It is His plan!

I hope you will join me for my next post as we look at the letter “k” in LOOK UP. What would you use for this letter? Let me hear from you!

Again, please follow my blog by subscribing with your email. It will make it much easier for you to join me next time.

Until then, look up!

2 thoughts on “God is Omniscient

  1. That quote from Tozer is so helpful, it makes me think of Romans 5:8, “…God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” When we hated God, he loved us.

    “K”…maybe “Kin”. God’s love isn’t “kin”, but it makes us “kin” to him.

    1. Yes! While we were His enemies, Christ died for us. That is the kind of love we can trust!

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