Time to Refocus

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I know, you are expecting the next “o” in the series LOOK UP.  I’m sorry.  We will definitely get back to that in my next post.  But I feel strongly that this needs to be addressed.  Honestly, I was going to stay completely quiet about the mass hysteria over COVID-19.  But then my 89-year-old mom called me and said she was running out of toilet paper and there was none near her.  Really y’all?  Don’t you think it’s time to refocus!

First, I want to tell you that I understand that it is, or at least has the potential to be, a serious issue. Anytime people get sick it is serious. And there are those people who are more at risk…the elderly, those who are in bad health, and people with special health concerns.   I realize that.

We should always protect the most vulnerable in our society.

We absolutely should take precautions.  If not for ourselves, for them.  It is always important that we protect the most vulnerable in our society.  Always!  Again, I say…always.

I also understand that schools and churches are between a rock and a hard place. If they cancel everything then they are alarmist. If they don’t and someone gets sick, then everyone points a finger at them and says that they are to blame.  They didn’t take precautions. They can’t win!

I may not be crazy about the decisions being made.  But I will support them.

Furthermore, I will say that the news media should be ashamed of themselves. They are, in my opinion, responsible for a large part of this mess.  They sensationalize everything.  And they have gone way overboard with this!  They are trying to scare us.  And they are doing a good job. 

With this said, I feel compelled to share what I’m seeing as our response to all that is going on.

The toilet paper hoarders

The first group of people I want to address are the toilet paper hoarders!  To begin with, why toilet paper?  This virus is mostly a respiratory illness!  This makes no sense.    Did someone put a bug in your ear that there will be a toilet paper shortage?  Are you so easily manipulated? 

What really bothers me is that you are putting at risk the very people we are trying to take care of…the elderly and those with health concerns.  Have you given any thought to them?

Have you given thought to the elderly?  You know, the ones who could be most affected by the virus…the ones who can’t and shouldn’t drive all over the place to get their toilet paper.  Or those who do have special health concerns?  You know, the people who are the most at risk in this.  Do you not see that your actions are possibly hurting them?

Are you really all about you? 

Or maybe, you really just don’t care.  Please tell me this isn’t true.   Please tell me that you don’t truly believe that you should have whatever it is that you think you may want or need at any given moment.  I want to believe that you care that your actions may hurt other people.  I hope that you are not so self-centered that you don’t care that an almost 90-year-old woman has to track down her toilet paper?

The second group of people I want to address are the Christians. I know that we have to live in this world.  We are called to do this. But, are we buying into it a little too much?

Yes, we need to be careful!  And maybe we should even be overly cautious.  Again, if not for ourselves but for those around us.

But, should we be responding in fear?  Because folks, that is what I see.  Everywhere.  We certainly shouldn’t be so afraid that we are running around buying up all the toilet paper and water.  

Fear is real

Realistically, there are times when it may be legit to be afraid…at least to some extent.  There are times when you need to make a game plan.  I have had those times. And some of you I’m sure have had those times as well. People who have gone to war…that’s a real reason to be afraid. Those who suffered through the holocaust…yeah, absolutely.  You get that cancer diagnosis.  Been there, done that.  Women and children who are abused by their husbands or dads.  They need to plan an escape.  There are times when it would be stupid to not be at least a little afraid. But is this really one of them?

Cautious, yes.  Fearful, no.

And even when we have those times that warrant a bit of fear, what should our response be?  To panic?  To run to the store and buy up all the toilet paper and water?   No.  Scripture tells us that we don’t need to be afraid.  He promises that He will be with us.  That He will strengthen us and help us.

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

So, the mom in me wants you to look at the first letter of each word that God tells us He will do in the above Scripture…Strengthen, Help, Uphold.  Okay all you moms out there…sound that out.   Ssshhuu.   Can you not hear God whispering to us ssshhhuuu…calm down?  It will be okay. I’ve got you. Just like you would whisper to your child when they come to you with a scraped knee.  He is comforting us. 

And, He is telling us that He is our God! The God who created the stars and the moon. He’s our God. The One who made the sun stand still for Joshua. Yep, He’s our God. Our God is the One who tells the ocean where to stop and holds the earth and everything in it together. That’s Him!

It’s time to refocus!

God’s got this.  He has this and everything else under control.  In the midst of our anxiety, our fear, and yes, our selfishness, He is still in control.  Just calm down already!  Instead of focusing on the virus, focus on the God who created the world and the stars and you and me.  Do you really think this has taken Him by surprise?

Let’s not respond the way the world responds.  Let’s stop looking at the world.  Look instead, at our God! 

Well then, what should we do?  Pray, of course!  That should always be first.  And, let’s look out for each other.  I’ve got news for you…it’s not the governments job to do this.  It is our job.  Let’s help meet each other’s needs. Be careful as you do it…but do it!

I have to confess that it took the call from my mom to realize how ridiculous this has become.  If my 89-year-old mother is running out of toilet paper, there are others around me doing the same thing.  And while I have not hoarded toilet paper, I have also not reached out to the elderly around me. We will be doing that…on our way to my mom’s house with a pack of toilet paper.

What about you? Need some ideas on how to help each other.  Or do you want to share some? The Baptists on Mission page has some great ideas. And they have some smart guidelines on how to do it safely. Check it out!

Again, sorry for the detour. We will look at the next “o” in the series Look Up for Love next time. I hope you will come back. Or better yet, sign up with your email to make it easier.

2 thoughts on “Time to Refocus

  1. Thank you! I heard a pastor say that when we properly fear God, we need not fear anything else.

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