How did I get here?

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Hi All! It’s been a while! I’m so sorry for the long absence. I promise I wasn’t trying to ditch you. It’s just…well, it’s been a hard several months. It seems that when you think everything is going well and all is hunky-dory, something comes out of nowhere and knocks you off your feet.  You get blindsided. You end up in a place you never expected, and you wonder, how did I get here?

Stuck, backward on some rocks

It reminds me of the last time my husband and I went rafting. We like to raft this lazy river up in the mountains. We were floating down it at a spot that was super smooth, and I said something brilliant like, “I don’t know how people get hung up on this river. It’s so slow and easy.” Then bam! We hit a rough spot, made a wrong move, and ended up stuck, backward on some rocks. Yes…backward! With water rushing at us. Open mouth…insert foot! Well, I would have but I probably would have drowned.

Didn’t plan this!

Yeah, it was a little embarrassing. Okay, a lot embarrassing. Looking back at it I think it had to be a pretty funny sight…two old people facing backward stuck in the middle of the rocks. Just sayin’.

We really shouldn’t have gotten stuck. We’ve canoed that river before. We just hit it wrong. And there we were, all hung up. If we made a wrong move at that point, it could have been dangerous. Isn’t that how life is though? We end up in a place we didn’t plan, and we wonder, how did I get here. Then, if we aren’t careful, our next move can either make or break us. How does it happen? How do we get there?

Relearning old lessons

Our last few months started with my husband losing his job. In our 30 years of marriage, this had never happened. He is smart, a hard worker, and a man that is serious about providing for his family. But his company had a massive layoff, and he was included in it. Several things since then have come our way, most too personal to mention. Hard things. We have spent a lot of time praying and crying over the last year or so. Not out of the woods yet. We have some tough things coming around this summer as well. But, we have learned a few things and relearned other things in the process. And I’d like to share a few with you.

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It can happen to you

First, anyone can end up in a place they never thought they would be. Don’t we just like to look down on other people and judge them? Somehow, we think that we would never make “that” mistake or end up in a place like “that”. Just like I didn’t think we could get hung up on the rocks. Yeah…right! Nothing could be further from the truth. Life is hard. Sometimes we just get blindsided and have done nothing wrong. Sometimes we respond to something in a wrong way and one thing leads to another. Then sometimes, it’s one thing on top of another thing on top of another thing and we find ourselves drowning…or just stuck some place and we just can’t seem to move.

Nobody…and I mean nobody, has it all together. If you think you do, get over yourself. I don’t mean to be harsh, but come on. On this side of eternity, nobody has “arrived”. And that includes you. So be kind. Be compassionate. Be careful with your words.

Don’t think for one second that it couldn’t happen to you. You may end up backward, stuck on the rocks, with water rushing at you, in what you thought was a lazy river. Then what? How do you want people to respond to you?

Lean into God

Second, turn to and not away from God. I know. Our first response may be to get upset and turn from God. I’ve done this before and I can say, it just doesn’t end well. At six and a half months pregnant, I lost my child. I was so mad at God. I couldn’t pray and didn’t want to. But it wasn’t until I just went to Him and sat in His presence that I began to heal. He was waiting on me. Remember, He is the God who heals. Go to Him. Keep praying. Let Him love on you.

And keep your focus on Him. Don’t look at the storm. I know. It’s so easy to say this and so hard to do it.

Try…just try.

Lean into those who love you

Next, lean in on your friends, your family, and your church. Don’t try and go it alone. We were never meant to travel life alone. This Covid stuff has caused so many problems. The most significant is the psychological effect it has had on people through the isolation it brought about. Isolation only causes problems. Yes, there is a time and place to get alone with God. You may be an introvert and need some space to recharge. But don’t stay there. Be with people who are good for you. Let them love you. Let them be there for you. Our church family was incredible when my husband lost his job.  I can’t even begin to tell you how much they blessed us. We needed them and they showed up!

Your turn

And show up for other people! It may not be you this time that needs a little extra. But there’s a better than good chance you’ll find yourself there one day. I’d say you can pretty much count on it. So now, when you can, be there for other people.

You can’t always be strong.

Are you one of those people who everyone else expects to always be strong? I am. Or maybe, I just expect myself to always be strong. Probably a little bit of both. But guess what? You can’t fill those shoes. No one can. Give yourself a break. It’s okay…really it is. Go have a good cry. Crawl up into the Father’s lap…it’s safe there…and let Him hold you.

God is still in control

Last, remember that God is still in control. This has not taken Him by surprise. It may have knocked the breath out of you, but God is still strong…still in control. You may be wondering, “How did I get here?” God knows where you are. He didn’t somehow lose track of you in the midst of the storm. You aren’t there alone. God has not left you. He is there waiting for you to look to Him. And He is still on your side. He is still working on your behalf. Believe it or not, He is capable of turning everything for your good. If you cooperate with Him, He will do it.

I hope that if…no when…you find yourself in a place you didn’t plan to be, a place where you feel hung up and vulnerable, that you will reach out. First to God. Then to the people who love you! And, if you’re in a good spot now…floating down a lazy river…look around for those who are having trouble. They may desperately need you.

Again, sorry for disappearing for a while. Hopefully, I can get back on track.

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