The Lord is our Keeper

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In these uncertain times, when things are changing, it seems, by the minute, it is reassuring to know that the Lord is our Keeper.  Recently, I have heard this quote by Corrie ten Boom several times:

“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”

My hope, is that through these blogs, you have come to know the love God has for us a little bit better.

We have been learning over the last several weeks why we can trust God’s love for us.  As we get to know Him, we see that His love brings life, that His love for us is over-the-top, and that we can trust Him because He is omniscient.   Today we will see how God puts a hedge of protection around us.

There are several places in the Bible where we see that the Lord is our Keeper, that He will watch over us, and that nothing can take us away from him. Neither can anything separate us from his love.

He never promises…

It’s important to say that He never promises that nothing bad will ever happen to us.  He never says that we will not experience tragedy and sorrow in this life.  Actually, His word tells us that we definitely will.  But, He does promise that He will not leave us in the middle of it.  He will walk through it with us.

And, He promises that nothing that happens to us will change our eternal destination.  If we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, the battle of our soul’s destination is already won.  His protection will see us to heaven.

I know a lot of people are camping out on Psalms 121 right now.  And originally, I was going to talk about this psalm.  It does speak clearly about how God keeps us.  But I really feel God drawing me to two other Scriptures.  The first is John 10:27-30.

“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”

I know this may sound crazy, but, when I first became a Christian, I was terrified that somehow, I could either lose God or be taken from Him.  This probably gives you a clue about my life up until that point.  Then I found this verse and I found such great comfort in it.  I needed to completely understand that no one could take me away from Him.  I needed to see that He simply would not let that happen.  I needed to understand that the Lord is my keeper!

Trust in His love

Once we accept Jesus into our hearts, nothing and no one can take us from Him.  Satan may try, but God is “greater than all”.  His hand will hold us firm. We cannot be “snatched” from His hand.  We can rest in the fact that when we leave this earth, we will be in heaven with our Lord.  His love for us will make sure of it.  He will keep us.  Trust in His love!

The second set of Scriptures is below:

Romans 8:38-39

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

No thing

Personally, I think these are verses that we should read over and over and over again.   Our God loves us so very much that He has put it down for everyone to see…NOTHING can separate us from the love of God!  NO THING! 

Not death…covered there!  Not life.  Yeah, all those things that scare us or stress us so much we want to pull our hair out…nope, covered there.   Not angels or demons…God’s in control so no worries.  The present can’t and neither can the future…God has all of this covered as well.   No matter high how and no matter how low, nothing in “all creation” can separate us from God’s love.  Looks to me like that covers everything. 

He’s not going to let go of you

Remember, He is the Creator of all things.  He alone has control of it.  He’s not going to let go of you. He is our Keeper!

Look at what He has already sacrificed to get you.  Do you really think He’s going to lose you now? Come on y’all…. you know He won’t.  Trust Him.

Does it mean it’s smooth sailing?  No, of course not.  We still have to live in this world.  Life will have its ups and its downs.  But we can hang onto the fact that God is our keeper.  Nothing is going to come to us that He doesn’t already know about.  Everything has to pass through His hands first.  He will sift those things and only allow what He will use to make us more mature in our faith, to make us more Christlike.  Of course, we have to let Him.  We have to trust in His love for us.  But we can.  Because, the Lord is our Keeper!

Next up is “U” in the series LOOK UP.  What would you use for this part of the acronym?  Give me some feed back and let me know.

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Until next time, remember, He loves you!