There Are

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Soooo… I was going to try to stay out of the chaos going on in our beautiful country.  But, truthfully, I am very concerned about this movement to villainize all of our law enforcement officers.  But before I even get started, I want to acknowledge that I know that there are “bad cops” out there.

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Yes, I know this.  There are those officers who abuse the power they have been given for whatever reason.  There are bad cops. 

But guess what? 

There are bad teachers out there.  Teachers who use their authority to abuse their students.  But we don’t shut down the schools and claim all teachers are abusers.

There are bad shop owners.  Those who gouge prices when calamities hit.  But we don’t villainize every store owner and close down all the stores.

And there are even bad doctors out there.  They get sloppy or in a hurry…may even use their license to illegally supply drugs to people who shouldn’t have them.  But we don’t shut down all the clinics and hospitals and claim that all the doctors are evil.

So why then, when there is a cop that is “bad”, all of a sudden the entirety of those who wear the uniform become evil abusers who are out to get everyone? 

Why does that mean that all cops are bad cops?  Why does that mean we should de-fund the police department?

Most are incredible

The reality is that the vast majority of cops are good.  They are not only good, they are incredible.  We also know that our society will not function for long without these heroic men and women in uniform.

Police officers risk their lives on a daily basis to keep us safe.  They work crazy hours in all sorts of weather in the worst possible conditions… for us. 

Just a bit of what they do

These are the people who stand out in the pouring rain to direct traffic through an intersection when the power is out.  Or make way for a funeral procession.  Or keep your 5K participants safe.

These are the people who spend days or weeks trying to find a missing child. 

Yes, these are the people who protect your property.  When your house or your car is broken into, the police officers are the ones who will show up to help you.  And if they don’t get there fast enough to suit you, are you then the people who complain?

They are the people who come to your rescue during a domestic violence call.  When your boyfriend or husband has decided it’s time to beat up on you, these people fly into one of the deadliest situations that exist to save you.  Then they watch over you at the magistrate’s office or the hospital.  Oh yes, I’ve seen them do it.

And when all of the rest of us are running away from danger, these are the men and women who are running into it to protect us.  Last year, a perfect example of this played out with the shooting at UNCC.  Video after video shows these brave men and women running…yes running… into a potentially deadly situation to protect the students there.

So, the question that plagues me is,” Why?”

“Why does our society so quickly villainize the police?”

Not me did it

Are we looking for a scapegoat?  If we can dump all of society’s woes on one group of people, does that make us innocent?  Are we trying to make the law enforcement officers the bad guys so that we can be the good guys, even when we do what is wrong? 

Here’s an idea.

Let’s stop blaming everything on the police department and have each individual person accept the responsibility for their own actions. 

Or maybe it’s because we just want to do what we want to do?  And we don’t care if it hurts someone else.  We know we are guilty of doing what’s wrong.  But we sure don’t want anyone else to tell us so.  We don’t want to feel bad about our sin.  And we certainly don’t want anyone to make us stop.

I see this in people.  I know a person who wants any Christian influence on society and its laws removed.  Why?  I would guess he doesn’t want anyone telling him that the horrible things he has done in the past are wrong.  He doesn’t want to feel the guilt.  Maybe he just doesn’t know what to do with it. And he doesn’t realize there is forgiveness.

No respect

It is also clear that we have raised a generation of people who have a complete lack of respect for authority?  No, not all of them.  I realize there are young people who do have respect for authority. They are just as bothered about this situation as I am.

With that said, some of the things I have seen people do amaze me…in a bad way.

I have seen a picture of a woman in a policeman’s face screaming at him.  And I know with certainty that if my Daddy had ever seen me doing that, he would have knocked me clear into next week.  Possibly into next month.

Now maybe his way was not the right way to handle it.  We were, however, raised to respect authority.  And clearly somewhere along the way, we have failed to teach our children to do this.  Unfortunately, our society is now reaping the consequences.

I don’t understand

Bottom line, I simply will never understand the concept of attacking those who protect us. This, at least not yet, is not Nazi Germany where the SS or the Brown Shirts had complete power and could do whatever they wanted. This is not a militaristic state. Those law enforcement officers who abuse their power will be held accountable.

And so I have a challenge for everyone. Instead of villainizing and attacking the police department, why don’t we try praying for them.

Scripture is clear that we are to do this.

1Timothy 2:1-2

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

And another thing. Has anyone bothered to thank them for putting their lives on the line every time they walk out the door? Should we not support these heroes?

What about their spouses? Can’t we do something to encourage them as well? Reality is, when their husband or wife walks out that door, they don’t know if they will see him or her again.

Let’s try to come up with some creative ways to let them know that we appreciate what they do.

New Answers in Genesis Resources

Don’t we need them

We need our police department.  We need those who will protect the people we love.  Yes, we need those who will protect the things we work hard for.

What would we do without the ones who go to look for our missing loved ones?  When we are being victimized, don’t we need someone to come help us?

And when we are in danger, real danger, and we are doing our best to run away, what would we do without those men and women who run into the midst of it to protect us?

So yes, there are “bad cops” out there.  And yes, we need to address them and get them out of the uniform.  Absolutely!

But let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater.  The vast majority of law enforcement officers are risking their lives to serve and protect us. The vast majority of them are good, honorable people.

If you are being honest with yourself, you know we desperately need them! Seems to me that instead of trashing and attacking them, we should be praying for them.

Let’s see what we can do to support them. Let’s stand behind the men and women of the thin blue line! They are, after all, what keeps our country from falling into complete anarchy.

What do you think? Are you with me?

What can you do to show them how much you appreciate them?

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