Theory of Evolution

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When I look around at what’s happening in our world today, I have to ask myself how did we get here.  What events or beliefs have come about that have caused us to treat each other with such disdain?  How did we lose the dignity and value of human life? I have to wonder if the acceptance of the theory of evolution has something to do with this.

No, I don’t think we can blame all of our problems on the theory of evolution.  That would be just plain silly. Believe me when I say that we are sinful enough without this theory.  But I do believe that evolution has been used to justify certain beliefs and actions.  And I believe that it has affected the dignity and value that we place…or don’t place…on human life.

Micro versus macro

Now, before I even get started, I want to assure you that I know the difference between microevolution and macroevolution. I say this because it seems that any time the theory of evolution is brought up, someone has to bring up microevolution as if it is a defense of the theory of evolution.

It is not!

Microevolution is defined as small changes that are made within a given “gene pool” … within a species.  With this, no new traits or major changes take place.  No new animals are formed!

Every animal breeder or botanist knows this.  It has been witnessed and is repeatable.

As far as macroevolution, Dr. Gary Parker states that it  “requires an expansion of the gene pool, the addition of new genes (genons) with new information for new traits as life is supposed to move from simple beginnings to ever more varied and complex forms (“molecules to man” or “fish to philosopher”)”

In other words, new animals and/or species are formed over millions of years through mutations.

This has never been witnessed nor is it repeatable. No true intermediate links have been found.  Any that the proponents of evolution have put forth have either been dismantled or proven to be fraudulent.

There is no proof that this has ever happened.

Common ancestor…really?

So, to be clear, what I am speaking about here is macroevolution.  This is what people usually mean when they talk about the theory of evolution.  Proponents believe that all living things can trace their lineage back to a common ancestor.

According to this theory, we all…yes you and me…have evolved from some type of primordial soup.

“So what?”, you might ask.  “How does this affect the view we have on the value of human life or how we see our lives?”

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Let me explain.

I believe that when people accept that we are nothing more than the sum total of accidental mutations, it has to affect our outlook on life.   Our worldview will be affected by what we believe about our origins and our destination.

Ideas have consequences.

In what ways do I think the theory of evolution has affected our society?

To begin with, when we accept evolution, we reject God and His Word.  In Genesis, God gives us an account of how the world and everything on it was created.  He tells us that mankind was created in the Image of God.  He tells us that everything was created according to their “kind”.

Evolution states the exact opposite. They both can’t be true.  Because of this, when you say you believe in evolution you are also saying you don’t believe God.

Oh sure, you might say that you believe everything else in the Bible except for this.  But when you start down that slippery slope of picking and choosing what parts of Scripture you accept as truth, aren’t you entering into dangerous territory?

Ultimate authority

You are setting yourself up as the ultimate authority.  I mean really, when you get to decide which parts of Scripture are true and which are not, aren’t you putting yourself above God?  Aren’t you saying that He is no longer THE absolute authority?

To reject the Genesis account of creation is to say that the Bible is not true.  Without His Word, there is no real basis for what is right and what is wrong.  There is no real basis for our laws.  Nor is there any right or wrong as to how we treat other people.  If His word is not truth, then we decide for ourselves what is right and wrong.

However, if we accept God as Creator, then we must admit that He has absolute authority over our lives.  He made us, therefore He has that right.  And He has laid down in His Word what is right and what is wrong. We have to accept this.  We have to admit that there is a right and a wrong based on His Word and not on our feelings and desires.

Based on Scripture

Whether you like it or not, the vast majority of our laws are based on Scripture, especially the ten commandments.  Do not lie.  Do not steal or commit adultery.  And do not kill.  These are just a few. 

When we hold up Scripture as truth, we can set the standard as to how to treat other people and how we should be treated. 

But, when we say the Bible is not true, we lose our moral compass.  We have nothing to help us decide how we should behave.  Without this absolute authority, neither do we have the ability to tell others how they should treat us. 

516812: Evolution Impossible: 12 Reasons Why Evolution Cannot Explain the Origin of Life on EarthEvolution Impossible: 12 Reasons Why Evolution Cannot Explain the Origin of Life on Earth

Something to consider here: If I can decide without God what is right or wrong according to my feelings or opinions, then so can everyone else. 

If you carry this idea out to its obvious conclusion, you have no right to tell other people that they can’t steal your stuff, burn down your house, shoot you, or even kidnap your child.  Without God and His Word, you simply have no absolutes to base it on.

I believe as we look at society, we can see this very clearly.  People seem to do whatever they want to do.  And it doesn’t matter how their actions affect other people.

However, we certainly expect others to treat us right…don’t we?

Sorry…can’t have it both ways.


If we accept that life has evolved from a primordial soup into the human beings we are today, then we have to admit that there have been different stages in the development of humans.  In other words, we must admit that some humans are further along in the developmental stages.

Some evolutionists have been very clear about their opinions on this matter. It has been stated that the Caucasian “race” was more highly developed than the Mongolian “race”.  In fact, if a child was born with a mental handicap, that child was labeled as a “Mongolian”.  They go as for as to say that this child was actually a throwback to a previous stage in human development.

Hopefully you are as appalled at this as I am.

This type of thinking also gives justification to people like Hitler and groups like the Nazis.  If they believe that some people groups are more advanced than others, then, for the sake of the advancement of mankind, should they not help evolution along a bit? 

They declared that the “Aryan Race” was superior to all others, especially the Jews and the Slavs.  But they included any other people group and anyone who had any type of disability.

When we start “ranking” people’s worth according to physical or mental traits, are we not saying that one life is more valuable than another?

What does Scripture say?

Belief in evolution justifies discrimination of all kinds.  And this goes against what the Bible clearly states.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28

To think that you are superior to another person because of the color of your skin is ridiculous. To think that you have more value than another person because they have some type of physical or mental disability is an insult to our Creator.  And, to think that you somehow deserve more because you were born on the “right” or the “wrong” side of the tracks is entitled thinking.  Yes. Either way!

Learn the truth

We all have a purpose

The teaching of the theory of evolution has also bred a lack of purpose and hopelessness in our society.  Let’s get real.  If indeed we are all just a product of TIME + MATTER + CHANCE, we have no purpose.  We have no real reason to be here. If this is true, there is nothing that we were created to accomplish.  We just exist until we die and our lives mean nothing. 

This is a sad way to live your life.  Especially since it is not true.

Scripture tells us differently though.

 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

According to God, you and I were made on purpose with a purpose.  Yes, every single person was born with a purpose.  Whether they choose to fulfill that purpose is up to them.  But it doesn’t change the fact that each of us, no matter the skin color or the abilities we have or don’t have, has a reason to be here.  We all have a purpose and every life is equally valuable.

All human life is valuable

Once we accept all that comes with the theory of evolution, it is apparent that the value of human life is diminished.  After all, if we accept that we are all just a product of TIME + MATTER + CHANCE…just one accidental mutation after another… what value do we hold?

This, however, is not God’s view of us. In Genesis, God tells us that we were created in His Image.

So God created mankind in his own image,
     in the image of God he created them;
           male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Furthermore, when He sent His Son to die on a cross so that we can be with Him, He set the value of human life extremely high.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NIVUK)

If God has placed our value this high, should we not do the same.  Should we not treat each other with dignity and respect?  Seems to me that we should acknowledge that all human life is valuable and respond accordingly.

Now, again, I’m not saying that the acceptance of evolution is to blame for all the bad things happening in our world.  But it has affected many people’s worldview.  And it has been used to justify horrendous acts.

Personally, I think it sad that a mere “theory” which has so many holes in it has done this kind of damage. 

So, I would just urge you to look to your Creator for your worth.  He has placed an incredibly high value on your life and the lives of others.  Don’t accept the lie of evolution.

To be sure, you matter!

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