The Walls Closing In?

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So, all of the kids are out of school and you are trying to practice social distancing.  Are the walls closing in on you yet?  Whether you agree with it or not, we now have guidelines in place until COVID-19 passes. So, what can we do to make the best of it? What are some things we can and should do and still honor the CDC’s advice?  Here are some ideas and things that I think might work.

So, let’s go.

Worship God.  We may not be able to go to church, but God is still God.  He is still worthy of worship.  This is a time when we should realize that the church is not a building.  It is the group of people who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Just because we can’t go to the building we call the church, it doesn’t mean that we should stop worshiping God.  Again, He is still God.  That hasn’t changed.

Is your church online?

So how do we do this?  There are ways.  Churches that have the ability to record and stream their services are going online.  Many are using Facebook to stream their services.  If you have a church home, check with your pastor to see if he is doing this.  If he is not, maybe there is something you can do to help make it happen.

No home church? There will be churches streaming their service on Facebook that I know and trust.  It is important to find a healthy, well balanced, Bible-believing church to watch.  I can give you a few suggestions if you like.  Just contact me.

Nervous about taking a recommendation?  You may feel more comfortable with In Touch with Doctor Charles Stanley.  He is a solid, well- known preacher.  He will be on TV.

Spend time with God

Whether you join one of these services or not, please don’t stop spending time with God.  No matter what is going on around us, He is still worthy to be praised.  Furthermore, when we don’t spend the time we need with our Savoir, we tend to get fearful and worry about everything.  We will feel the walls closing in on us even more. Also, we have a tendency to walk away from Him when we don’t stay connected.

And guys, let’s keep this in perspective. There are people all over the world meeting in underground churches and in people’s houses. For them, it is against the law to congregate. That is not what is happening here.

This is a time that we can not only draw closer to Him, but draw closer to Him as a family. Spend that time alone with Him by reading His word and praying.  Lead your family in devotions and prayer.  This is a unique opportunity to get to know Him and trust Him like never before.  Don’t waste it.


Exercise!  It would be so easy to just sit in front of a TV or a computer screen during this time.  Since the kids are home and most are now doing school online, they will already be in front of a screen too much.  There are many studies about how unhealthy it is for your kids to be glued to a screen. 

Get them outside.  Take a walk. Play soccer or basketball or whatever sport you like.  Get outside and move! Most of us have a yard or a place where they can go outside and still keep their distance from others.

Let them play!

Since you are at home a lot more it will be easier to make healthy choices.  Put those computers and phones down and go outside!  If the walls are closing in on you, know your kids are feeling the same way.

What about you?  This is a great time to start that exercise routine you’ve been putting off. Have your kids join in.  Try to either get or stay healthy together.

Just a quick reminder…social distancing does not mean that you can not walk outside. Unless you have special health concerns, it is okay to do this. Just maintain your space.

And while you’re at it, get to know your kids again.  You have been given an awesome opportunity to strengthen your family unit.  Is it easy…no!  But it is one of the most important things you can do.

Don’t forget that school work

Of course, the kids need to do their school work.  This is super important.  Hopefully the schools are giving a realistic amount of work and not overcompensating because the kids aren’t actually in the school building.  When possible, give them breaks. Let them get up and move around a bit.  Again, a kid sitting in front of a computer screen all day is not healthy.  Hopefully the teachers have figured this in. 

We have a teacher who has sent books home for them to read. I’m hoping she will have them just read and enjoy the book…outside. Away from the computer! That’s my plan anyway.

Wet a line

Wet a line.  Go fishing!  I’m sure the majority of fishermen out there are grinning from ear to ear right now.  They can rock this social distancing thing. 

If you don’t like to fish, go hiking. Or find something to do.  In other words, keep living.   There are things you can do and still keep your appropriate distance.  While I am writing this, some of my kids are fishing with their Dad.  My older kids are going to hit the local mountain to hike today.  And I’m headed out for a walk.  Keep your space.  And be creative. 

It’s a little warm for this time of year.  So, while I was walking, I saw some kids filling up a swimming pool. What a great idea.  Just because we have to distance ourselves, it doesn’t mean we have to curl up and stop living.  We have to make adjustments, sure.  But keep on keeping on!

Don’t forget your neighbor

Look in on your neighbors…safely.  There may be people around you that actually do need help.  Make sure that the elderly widow down the street has what she needs?  Does she have toilet paper?  Food? Is she afraid to go to the store and get what she needs?  Or, maybe she just needs the comfort of knowing that someone around her cares?  The walls are closing in on her too. Try to stop focusing on yourself for a bit and look around.  See where you can help.

Local businesses

Visit the drive-through window at your local fast food.  Call in carry out at your local restaurant.  If you want them to stay in business, you need to do your part.  These businesses are following the mandate given to them.  They want you healthy.  Most of them are going out of their way to safely serve you now.   But we need to realize they do not have this great profit margin that allows them to close up for a couple of weeks and still stay in business.  They have families to feed and bills to pay, just like us.

If you can’t afford a lot, just order a large tea or a coke.  Drinks are their greatest profit margin.  Help them out a bit. 

Practice safety

Hopefully, I don’t need to remind you to wash your hands.  Squirt some hand sanitizer on when you can’t wash them.  We keep it in our vehicles to use.  My poor hands are super dry from all the washing and squirting. Fortunately, there is this thing called hand lotion. So, they should be okay!

As of the writing of this post, I think all of these activities are fine.

Finally, let me remind you to trust God.   Even when we feel like the walls are closing in on us, we can still trust God.  He is still in control.  He hasn’t fallen asleep on the job.  When we go into panic mode, are we not showing a lack of trust in our Creator?  Sometimes it’s hard, I know. But try to focus on Him.

He’s got this!