Cabin Fever

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At our house we like to watch those TV shows that have people, usually men, living in the Alaskan wilderness.  They live a totally different life than you or I.  They trap or shoot all of their meat, they skin and sell animal hides, and they go for weeks or months without interacting with other people.  Plus, they spend an incredible amount of their winter inside their homes.  Honestly, I start getting cabin fever just watching these shows.  I don’t know how they do it.

Why do I bring up cabin fever?  Well, I’m wondering how everyone is doing with this stay-at-home order. And does anyone else out there have a case of it?  I certainly do.

Now, I tend to get antsy fairly easily anyway.  I can feel “trapped” at my house over the slightest thing…the rare snow we get in the south or a vehicle in the shop. Sometimes it’s not anything but a desire to get out and about.

The walls closing in

I know in a previous post I touched on things we can do if the walls are closing in on us.  But I felt the need to revisit it as the stay-at-home order has been extended here in North Carolina.  I think more of us may now be dealing with a touch of cabin fever.

So, what do we do to avoid cabin fever? How do we handle it when we get it?  To look at this, let’s acknowledge what the stay-at-home order is not.  That might help us.

It is not a stay-inside order

It is not a stay-inside order.  For some very strange reason, I have had several people say to me, “Stay safe.  Stay inside.”   Why? Why are people telling me to stay inside? There is no reason to not go outside…none. Come on y’all. We really don’t need to stay locked up inside our homes.

Furthermore, I would go as far as to say that staying inside is a very bad and unhealthy thing to do.  Especially if you are trying to avoid getting cabin fever or even trying to just be healthy.

The benefits of sunlight have been widely studied over the years.  Hopefully no adult needs to be told that getting too much sun can be bad for you.  At the same time, it is also known that sunlight not only helps us stay healthy physically but mentally as well. 


Vitamin D is produced in our skin with the help of that beautiful sunshine.  This vitamin helps our bones, our blood cells, and yes, even our immune system.

Sunlight also helps to produce serotonin, a chemical in your brain.  Serotonin works to ward off depression and keeps us calm and positive. Certain depressions are sometimes treated with low levels of artificial or natural light.

So, go outside, especially in the morning, and soak up a few rays.

It is not a do-not-exercise order

It is not a do-not-exercise order.  Nowhere does it say that we cannot get out or even stay in and exercise.  So, don’t use the order as an excuse not to do what you know is good for you.

Exercise has many benefits. We know, of course, that it has many physical benefits.  It helps us to stay in shape and lose weight.   It also helps to lower blood pressure, strengthen your heart and your bones, and reduce body fat.  At least, I’m counting on it… reducing body fat that is.

You may even realize that it reduces stress as many of us will take a “good walk” when we feel a bit irritated.

In the words of Olaf, “All good things…all good things!”

What you may not be aware of is that good exercise produces these sweet little chemicals called endorphins.  These little babies make us feel happier, less stressed, and more relaxed.

Check out this article on WebMD:

“Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. For example, the feeling that follows a run or workout is often described as “euphoric.” That feeling, known as a “runner’s high,” can be accompanied by a positive and energizing outlook on life.”

Get out and break a sweat.  It really is good for you.

It is not a do-not-remember order

It is not a do-not-remember order.   What do I mean by that?

When Joshua led the Israelite people across the Jordan River, God told him to place memorial stones to remember what God had done for them.  These would not only serve to help the people remember the goodness and power of God, but it would also help to teach their children this as well.

This is something that I have done most of my Christian life.  I don’t have material markers to use.  However, when I get down or face a serious problem, in my mind I run through all the things God has done for me.  I remember where I was when I started this journey.  I remember all the incredible, sometimes miraculous things He has done to get me where I am now.  All the healing, all the blessings…really, I can never make it to the end of my list before I realize that I can trust my God to take care of me.

I just have to remember to remember!!!  And so do you.

It is not a do-not-worship God order

This is not a do-not-worship God order.  The reason churches have been restricted while other things have not is a topic for another day.  But, no one can keep us from worshiping God.  Why?  Because we can and should worship Him anywhere and everywhere. It should be the very essence of who we are and what we do.  Is it?  Well…. probably not.  But no order or governor or judge can stop us from worshiping God.  Neither can they stop God!

One way of worshiping God is praising Him through music.  Whether or not you can sing or play an instrument, you can still lift up a “joyful noise” to God.  (That’s what I do since I can’t carry a tune with a bucket.)  I also like to listen to music while I’m exercising or driving, especially if I’m down or experiencing cabin fever.

This past Saturday was just a rough day for me.  I needed to go on an “essential” trip to the store.  Let me tell you I had that music blaring.  Yes, this 60-year-old woman had it cranked up!  And it made me feel better.

Crank up that music and worship God if you are feeling down.

Oh the changes

This thing that we are experiencing now is not pleasant.  It has brought temporary changes in my life that I do not like.  I miss church.  I miss sitting down at a restaurant with my husband, my kids, or a friend.  I miss getting my hair cut! And I desperately, and I mean desperately, need my hair cut!

It has brought changes in my children due to the amount of time they spend on the computer doing their school work.  This has been an exhausting and frustrating time for them.

It has hurt our economy.  People are hurting financially because of the severity of this order.

And many of us are struggling with cabin fever. 

But it will get better.

God has not forgotten us.  As I have said so often, He is still in control.  He is still God.  No order, no governor, no judge can stop Him.

So until things change, open up the doors and go outside.  Exercise.  Remember what God has already done for you. He’s not going to leave you alone now.

He hasn’t changed, so worship Him. Play that music.

He is there for you.  Trust that. 

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