You Matter

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You matter!  Whatever you may be going through right now…however you may feel about yourself, you matter.

I have looked at some of the statistics that are considered “collateral damage” from the stay-at-home orders.  And I have to tell you that they are very bothersome.  It is easy to see how some people might be getting depressed and feel like they don’t matter anymore.

Now we can agree or disagree about the correctness of the stay-at-home order.  We can even agree to disagree agreeably!  But the bottom line is this: How we feel about it is irrelevant.  It simply doesn’t change the fact that an awful lot of people are being hurt by it. 

Even Dr. Phil believes that the stay at home order may possibly do more damage than good.

“There’s a point at which people start having enough problems in lockdown that it will actually create more destruction and actually more death across time than the actual virus will itself,”

Some of the problems

So, what are some of the problems caused by this order?  Glad you asked.

  • On April 2nd it was reported that nearly 10 million new jobless claims were filed in the United States.
  • One in four small businesses has temporarily closed their doors.  It is estimated that before this is over, these closures may jump to 54%.  And, there may be as many as 10% of these businesses that never reopen.
  • Domestic violence calls are surging across the country.  In our state alone, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department report that there has been an increase of about 20% in DV calls.  In neighboring Gaston County, it has jumped 33%.
  • Suicide threats and attempts are rising.

As I have said in previous posts, life can just be hard sometimes.  And right now, it is especially so.  If you take all of the issues above and add the loneliness and isolation we are feeling, it may be very easy to get depressed.  We lose track of the days as one runs into the next and into the next again. And the total lack of hope coming from certain government officials and the news media might be just too much.

You matter

For some, depression may hit extremely hard.  It might be easy to believe that you don’t matter, especially if you have now been randomly labeled a “nonessential” worker.

Please hear this:

You are essential! 

You are important! 

You do matter!

I have been through times when I thought I did not matter.  When I first became a Christian, the struggle was so real for me.  There was a lot of hurt, a lot of pain that I had to work through.  There was healing on the other side, to be sure. But the process was not easy.  Worth it, but not easy.

God knew

In any case, it was a soul searching, heartbreaking time for me.  What happened? I left work one afternoon and while I was driving, I felt a strong impression to turn a certain way.  So, I did.  A few minutes later, the same thing happened. And I turned again.  After the 2nd or 3rd turn, a car pulled in front of me.  On the license plate it said, “UMATTER”.

I was floored.  I knew God had orchestrated this for me.  He wanted me to know how much He loved me and that I did matter.

Now you may scoff at this and think oh yeah, right.  Whether you believe it or not is your deal.  But I know with certainty that God led me to that car.  On that day, I desperately needed to see it. I desperately needed to know that I mattered.

What about you

And I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that at some point in your life you have needed to see it as well.  In all of the craziness right now, there are even more people who need to know that they matter.

They need to hear, “You matter”.

If you are one of those people, please know that you do.

I truly believe that God walks especially close to those who are hurting.  Indeed, Psalms 34:18 tells us so:

The Lord is close to the broken-hearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Please know that God loves you.  Remember He sent His Son to pay the price of your sin.  And this Son, Jesus, has risen and now sits at the right hand of the Father and is interceding for you.

He will not leave you alone. You mean too much to Him.

No matter what

You matter to your Creator. 

Whether or not you have a job, you matter to Him. 

If your business closes down completely or jumps back up after this fiasco, you matter. 

Whether you are stuck at home with an abuser or have managed to escape that situation, God is there for you.  Lean on Him.

If you are still working and business is booming, yep, you still matter. 

If you have lost someone dear to you, He will not leave you alone.

If you fight an addiction and idle time is your worst enemy, you matter. Call out to Him!

And if you are at the end of your rope, know that you are so precious to your Creator.

Please, just hang in there. You are not alone!

Your worth is not measured by your job, your situation, or your physical or emotional well-being. Your worth is given by the God who created you and sent His Son to rescue you.  He places a very high measure on your worth! In fact, you are priceless!

There is hope

So you know, whether the media reports it or not, there is hope.  God is still in control!

For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIVUK)

He’s got this. Trust Him.

And remember, you are not alone.

If you want or need someone to pray for you drop me a line. My email is .   There is nothing special about my prayers. But, I would be honored to pray for you.  I’m just offering.  Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone. There are people who care.

The reason is simple. 

You matter…so very much!

4 thoughts on “You Matter

    1. Hi Tonya! Thank you for stopping in. I am doing well and I hope you are.
      I cannot add you. You will need to do it. If you go to the blog post and look to the side there will be a place to sign up.

  1. This is my first visit to your page. I really like “views from my front porch”. I also want to say that this post on You Matter was timely and much needed. It’s amazing that just today I waa thinking how the shelter in place may be affected others outside of the extra meals , lack of human to human contact might affect people with depression under routine stress for lack of a better term. God blesa you for what you are doing. May you continue to allow God to use you.

    1. Thank you. I would appreciate your prayers as I go forward.
      God really laid this on my heart to share. I am concerned for those who are being so seriously effected by this order.

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